I started collecting Vintage Beauty products began in 1997. I had been skimming through vintage stores, swap meets and garage sales with

my mother, and grandmothers since I was 6 or 7 years old. I wish I had the knowledge then that I have now, or even the care to collect something in those days. But alas, there is always an individual path we all take, to find what we are meant to find. Having all this knowledge, I am more specific in eras and brands with my collection, but THIS is one of my favorites.
From Cleopatra’s Boudoir guide to perfume brands. “Established in 1915 by Victor Vivaudou, a French-American, affiliated with Delettrez, the initial creator of the Vivaudou products. Vivaudou produced low to medium priced range presentations, while Delettrez produced luxury presentations.” Vivaudou and Delettrez created loose powder, perfumes, body talc, skin care, balms, rouge and lipsticks.
Victor Vivaudou had a career in the beauty industry that spanned about 20+ years, he mismanaged the business from the beginning, had various scams, as well as family scandal. He eventually retired from the beauty industry in 1936, or possibly into the 1940s.

I have a tattoo of this Vivaudou advertisment from 1924, (pictured left) by the famous artist Henry Clive. As you can tell this brand is very special to me. The artistry alone created in their advertising was just stunning. After almost 20 years of collecting I also have stumbled upon this ad, along with others from 1924 magazines. They were preserved so well, the colors look as if the magazine were printed a year ago.
The piece below that I have found is spectacular! It was just last year, (yes this is the FIRST Vivaudou antique I have fell in love with). It’s pretty funny considering all the other pieces I have seen. I guess I wanted this item to be as special as I was fortunate enough to procure.
I present to you the Vivaudou Boudoirette. It consists of lovely presentation box, inside a face

powder and rouge with puff and mirror in a convenient cylinder. One side has a screw off lid that reveals a face powder shaker, (with powder inside). The other side is the flip-top mirror with miniature puff and rouge beneath. Also in the box are full refills of powder, (brand new and